to the hub of musical creativity and exploration by Michael Cooke, a composer and improviser whose passion for innovative soundscapes knows no bounds. This space is dedicated to showcasing an array of Michael’s music projects, offering you a window into his world of compositions. Dive into engaging conversations with fellow composer-improvisers, uncovering the depths of their creative processes and inspirations. Experience the energy of live performances, and gain valuable insights with practical tips and techniques that Michael employs in his practice. Whether you’re a fellow musician, an enthusiast, or just curious about the world of contemporary music, there’s a rich tapestry of sounds and ideas waiting for you here.
- Music of An Unaware Cosmos with Joseph Klein
- Moving From Finale to Dorico, Import issues
- The Importance of Space in Music!
- Storytelling Through Music with Yangfan Xu
- Evolution of a Composition with Joseph Klein
In Progress
Latest information on what Michael is working on.